Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vocab #6

Adroit- someone who is quick and skillful in their thoughts, behavior, or actions
Amicable- friendly
Averse- having a strong feeling of opposition
Belligerent- Agressive
Benevolent- characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
Cursory- done or made quickly
Duplicity- deceitfulness in speech or behavior
Extol- to praise highly
Feasible- possible to do easily or conveniently
Grimace-  a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain
Holocaust- destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
Impervious- immune
Impetus- a moving force
Jeopardy- danger of loss harm, or injury
Meticulous- extremely careful and precise
Nostalgia- a sentimental longing of affection
Quintessence- the pure and concentrated essence of a substance
Retrogress- go back to an earlier state
Scrutinize- to examine or observe with great care
Tepid- lacking in emotion warmth or enthusiasm
Accede- to give one's assent
Brandish- to wave or flourish
Comprise-  to consist of
Deft- skillful
Destitute- deprived of
Explicit- clearly defined
Extirpate- to destroy completely
Inopportune-  occurring at an inconvenient time
Ironic- the opposite of what is expected to happen
Musty- to emit horrific odor
Officious- assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way
Ominous- giving the impression that something bad is going to happen
Pinnacle- the highest point
Premeditated- think out or plan beforehand
Rampant- violent in action or spirit
Solace- comfort in a time of distress
Supple- bending readily without breaking or becoming deformed
Venal- open to bribary

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